Isna Canada

Meet your staff

Our diverse and vibrant staff team is at your service.

Our young and dynamic ISNA Canada team is committed to delivering high-quality programming and services to our Canadian Muslim communities from coast, to coast, to coast.

Fouzan Khan

Chief Executive Officer

Religious Education

Portrait photo of Shaykh Abdalla Idris

Imam & Senior Religious Advisor

Shaykh Abdalla Idris Ali

Portrait photo of Shaykh Abdalla Idris

Imam & Senior Religious Advisor

Shaykh Abdalla Idris Ali

Shaykh Abdalla Idris is a pioneering Islamic leader and scholar, and is the founder of the first full time Islamic School in the GTA, ISNA Elementary. Shaykh Abdalla has been a religious leader in North America for over 40 years

Portrait photo of Shaykh Hosam Helal

Imam & Religious Educator

Shaykh Hosam Helal

Portrait photo of Shaykh Hosam Helal

Imam & Religious Educator

Shaykh Hosam Helal

Shaykh Hosam serves as an Imam and religious educator at ISNA Canada as well as an Associate Muslim Chaplain at Brock University. After completing his Islamic studies at Al-Azhar, Shaykh Hosam is currently pursuing graduate studies at the University of Toronto in Quranic exegesis.

Portrait photo of Shaykh Usman Qamar

Religious Educator

Shaykh Usman Qamar

Portrait photo of Shaykh Usman Qamar

Religious Educator

Shaykh Usman Qamar

Shaykh Usman serves as a religious educator and spiritual counsellor with ISNA Canada, guiding the community through his deep-rooted knowledge and commitment to Islamic teachings. Born and raised in Cambridge, Ontario, he embarked on his Quranic journey during high school and achieved Quranic memorization by the age of 16. After completing his Islamic Sciences degree from the UK and South Africa, he pursued a double major in psychology and philosophy at the University of Waterloo



Community Engagement

Marketing & Media

Youth & Outreach

ISNA Cares

Portrait photo of Mohammed Bemat

ISNA Cares Manager & Psychotherapist

Mohammed Bemat

Portrait photo of Mohammed Bemat

ISNA Cares Manager & Psychotherapist

Mohammed Bemat

Imam Mohammed Bemat memorized the Quran at a very young age. He then followed his dreams to pursue formal Islamic education from which he attained multiple ijazaa and a Bachelor of Arabic and Islamic Studies in 2014 from Darul โ€˜Uloom Zakariyyah. Upon returning to Canada, he began serving the Hamilton Muslim community as an Imam and youth counsellor. He felt the need to contextualize his knowledge of Islamic Sciences and Spirituality with modern-day spiritual care and psychotherapy. This led him to do his Masters in Pastoral Studies with a specialization in Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy at the University of Toronto. Imam Bemat currently serves as the full-time Psychotherapist and Imam at ISNA Canada. Imam Bematโ€™s clinical experience includes working at Trillium Health Partners, North York General Hospital, the University of Toronto and the Ontario College of Arts and Design. Hobbies and interests: Spending time with family, hiking, camping, travelling.

Resident Therapist

Duha Alnadvi

Registered Therapist

Madiha Hussain

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